Where to buy in Languedoc Roussillon?

The region of Languedoc Roussillon is one of the sunniest of France. However, within this region, there is a difference in weather. So it is worth your time to investigate which area of Languedoc Roussillon appeals most to you.

Basically, the region is to be divided into four areas: the mountain area (montagne), the foothill areas (arrière pays and passage) and the coastal area (littoral).

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Real estate wise are the prices in the coastal area quite high. The landscape is flat, not very beautiful (compared to the mountain areas) and it gets very busy during high season. The sun does shine however. The mountain area on the contrary is very beautiful and the prices of real estate are low. However, if you are looking for sunshine, this is not the area to buy. Rain comes down more often in these regions, also in summer.

The area where Maxéa is specialized in, is the foothill area. This area does offer great scenery, combined with sunshine and reasonable prices. Both the departments of the Hérault as the Aude offer great houses.

Languedoc Roussillon is a pleasant region to live in. It is very accessible, both by route and by plane.

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Close to the Mediterranean beaches as well as beautiful mountains, rivers to swim or canoe, bustling market villages, historical cities and the canal the Midi:  the region appeals to a lot of people to buy a secondary home or even their principal residence. Despite the great interest, especially further inland, the regions still remains its characteristic charm without being overflowed by tourists. Live is good in Languedoc Roussillon!

“CIRCULADES” in Languedoc-Roussillon

A “circulade” is a medieval village whose streets are built in a (continuous) circle around a church or a Bastide. These villages date back to the Middle Ages. Another name used to be “village rond”.

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Gruissan, where the roads are circeling around the Barberousse tower
© OT Gruissan

This way of building began in the year 1000 and lasted until 1130. There are 52 municipalities in Languedoc-Roussillon, who are allowed to have this label. They all have to ensure that the centers of these villages remain authentic. You can recognize the villages by this “label” at the beginning of the village:

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If you would like more information about the circular villages, please take a look at the website of the “Circulade villages” by clicking here.

Below you will find the “circulades” in Languedoc-Roussillon by department:

Hérault Aude Gard
Aigne Alaigne Aigremont
Alignan du vent Alairac Durfort
Balaruc le Vieux Bellegarde du Razès La Calmette
Castries Bram
Caux Cailhau
Fabrègues Cailhavel
Fouzilhon Capendu
Gabian Donazac
Le Pouget Gruissan
Magalas Issel
Margon La Digne d’Aval
Murviel les Béziers La Force
Nézignan l’Evêque Lasbordes
Nizas Lasserre de Prouille, Magrie
Puisserguier Mazerolles du Razès
Olonzac Montclar
Paulhan Pouzols Minervois
Poussan  Sallèles d’Aude
Gigean Villeneuve les Montreals
Saint Geniès de Fontedit
Saint Jean de Fos
Saint Pargoire
Saint Pons de Mauchiens

Please do not hesitate to contact Maxéa Immobilier to see if there is a house for sale in one of these circular villages. You can reach us at +33 (0)4 67 24 82 42.

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Bram, the biggest circulade of Languedoc-Roussillon
© X. Beaujard